Economic and Effective Solution for the Frost Event
Because of the climate conditions peculiar to spring months, due to rapid cooling after the sunset of the weather and the ground which were warmed up with sunlight during daytime, and as a result of continuous heat loss to the atmosphere at stagnant weather, temperature up to 2-3 meter above the ground drops to minus degrees. And this causes bloomed trees to loose their flowers and therefore their fruits.
Frost prevention is one of the most important struggles of fruit growing. It is a fact that the frost event constitutes a nightmare for the producers with the risk to loose whole year's labour completely in one or two hours. The most effective method of frost protection is to prevent the radiation to the atmosphere.
Our anti-frost machine prevents radiation to the atmosphere by producing fog via the tank and fogging network towed by a tractor in the garden and prevents the frost event to occur. 5 - 15 µ sized water particles sprayed from special fogging nozzles at 80 Bar and higher pressures form fog. Water particles at these sizes prevent the radiation from the ground to the air. Also the water particles sprayed at 15°C emit heat to the air for every degree temperature loss due to the cooler air they contacted (when 1 gr water loose 1°C, it emits 1 kcal heat). The amount of heat emitted increases even more when they freeze (80 kcal). This natural effect prevents the frost occurring at the blooming period of fruit trees. Our anti-frost machine: practical, economic, environmentalist and multipurpose.